Who Is Ficki Fiona (2024)

1. Triggered Feminist - Know Your Meme

  • 13 mrt 2019 · Triggered Feminist, also known as Angry Feminist and Ficki Fiona, refers to a photoshop meme based around a still image.

  • Triggered Feminist, also known as Angry Feminist and Ficki Fiona, refers to a photoshop meme based around a still image of a woman with short hair and glas

2. Clickbait capitalism - Project MUSE

  • 8 nov 2023 · ... Ficki Fiona'. The meme is based around the image of a very angry woman with short hair and glasses (referred to by some as an 'Angry ...

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3. Ficki Fiona - Facebook

4. How this 'crying liberal' Iowan became a worldwide meme for those ...

  • 11 jan 2017 · Janna DeVylder from Iowa, who now lives in Australia, didn't expect to end up everywhere online in her Hillary Clinton pantsuit.

  • Janna DeVylder from Iowa, who now lives in Australia, didn't expect to end up everywhere online in her Hillary Clinton pantsuit.

5. What 6 Viral Internet Meme Stars Actually Look Like - Business Insider

  • 14 feb 2013 · One of the most famous Internet memes is The Ridiculously Photogenic Guy. It stars 25-year-old Zeddie Little who happened to be running a ...

  • Newsletters

6. Original Video of 'Triggered Karen' Meme May Shock You - MIX 108

  • 28 apr 2022 · According to KnowYourMeme.com, the 'Triggered Feminist' or 'Ficki Fiona' meme originated from a video posted on The Alex Jones Channel on ...

  • I've seen, I've used, I've laughed at this meme several times, and now I'm in shock after watching the original video of the incident that gave birth to this famous meme.

7. After Discovering She Had Been Turned Into A Cruel Meme, This ...

  • 8 okt 2015 · Ashley VanPevenage is a 20-year-old college student from Tacoma, Washington. · Last January, a friend of hers who runs a makeup Instagram account ...

  • Ever wonder what happens to the people behind a viral photo?

8. The People Behind The Memes: Where Are They Now? - LiveAbout

  • 29 nov 2018 · These former meme-stars certainly enjoyed more than their share of 15 minutes of fame. But what did they ultimately gain from all the ...

  • These former meme-stars certainly enjoyed more than their share of 15 minutes of fame. But what did they ultimately gain from all the internet hoopla?

Who Is Ficki Fiona (2024)


Where did the confused math lady meme come from? ›

The “lady” is, in fact, Renata Sorrah who is playing a character from the telenovela “Senhora do Destino”, a popular show in Brazil. The meme first appeared as a gif of the actress appearing confused “being used as a reaction image is from October 31st, 2013, when UKMix forum poster CrazyCrazy” (knowyourmeme.com).

What does trigger mean in slang? ›

Triggers are anything that remind someone of previous trauma. To be triggered is to have an intense emotional or physical reaction, such as a panic attack, after encountering a trigger. Related words: content warning.

What is the history of triggered? ›

The noun “trigger” has been in use since handguns were first invented. It comes from the Dutch verb “trekker” (to pull). The verb “to trigger” was first used in the 1930s. It originally applied to people who are diagnosed with what is now called “post-traumatic stress disorder” (once it was called “shell shock”).

Where did the confused meme come from? ›

Nick Young confused meme was part of Casey Athena's web series. through the lens, in which his mom claimed he was a clown when he was younger. and so he gave this reaction. Disaster Girl was a staged photo.

What is Math Lady real name? ›

Math Lady or Confused Lady, known in Brazil as Nazaré Confusa, is an Internet meme. It shows Renata Sorrah, playing Nazaré Tedesco in Brazilian soap opera Senhora do Destino, surrounded by mathematical problems.

What is the meaning of girl math? ›

Where did Girl Math come from? The term “girl math” originated with TikToker Samantha Jane who shared a video explaining the process. In her view, girl math means that “anything under $5 feels free,” and returning an item worth $50 and then spending $100 counts as only having spent $50.

Where was the term meme taken from? ›

The term meme (from the Greek mimema, meaning “imitated”) was introduced in 1976 by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in his work The Selfish Gene.

What started the What are those meme? ›

The expression What are those?! was entered on Urban Dictionary in October 2011, but it went viral in June 2015 when Instagram user @youngbusco posted a video of himself asking a police officer What are those?! about his basic black work boots.

What was the meme that started it all? ›

One of the first memes to gain widespread attention in the internet age was the Dancing Baby. Yes, it was that simple: an image, GIF or video of a computer-animated dancing baby.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.