Going Above and Beyond: Meet Shipt’s First Shopper to Deliver 20,000 Orders (2025)

Shipt Shopper Jason goes the extra mile by delivering great service and reaching new milestones

With over 18,000 5-star order ratings, there’s no doubt about it - Jason knows how to deliver excellent service. In fact, Jason is a Preferred Shopper, a feature in which Shipt members can “favorite” shoppers for future orders, for more than 130 members. During his almost six and a half years as a Florida Shipt Shopper, Jason has received thousands upon thousands of exceptional customer feedback, and on top of Jason’s all-star service, he is Shipt’s first shopper to have 20,000 delivered orders under their belt.

“Shipt is so appreciative and proud of Jason for achieving this record number of Shipt orders delivered,” said Shipt Chief Operations Officer, Bridget Fruit. “It’s Shipt Shoppers like Jason and the other 300,000 Shipt Shoppers across the nation that deliver a fantastic service in their local communities.”

We recently spent time with Jason to learn more about his Shipt Shopping experience, what he thinks about this monumental milestone and discuss just how he achieved Shipt all-star status.

Tell us about your first Shipt shop.

It was August 2015 and I was very nervous to shop my first order. Once I did it, I was hooked. It was like a scavenger hunt for me. I was over the moon with excitement.

Why do you Shipt shop? What is it about Shipt shopping that you enjoy so much?

I used to be a manager of restaurants and had to go to the hospital one day because my blood pressure was so high. I knew I had to choose between Shipt shopping and the restaurants. I chose Shipt shopping and never looked back.

I love helping people and this exemplified it. You build a relationship with customers, store employees and other shoppers in the area. It’s what gets me up in the morning and I can’t ask for anything else.

After delivering groceries for six and a half years, you must have some really great connections with Shipt customers. Tell us about those.

A lot of customers treat me like family. I’ve seen so many customers who are pregnant and now their kids are 4 or 5 years old and I’m delivering their birthday decorations.

You don’t know what is going on in everyone’s lives. People get bad news some days, or they just lost a loved one, and they can’t leave their home because they need to cope. I can help bring them their necessities.

What is it about the independent contractor model that appeals to you so much?

It’s the flexibility. My wife is a stay at home mom and takes care of our three daughters. If the girls have a school event or need to go to the doctor or if we just want to go on a vacation, I’m able to take off without having to get permission ahead of time. The flexibility is what gives me the freedom to shop however long I want and I can take as much time off as I want.

What is a piece of advice you would like to share with other Shipt Shoppers who might be just starting out or might be interested in trying Shipt shopping?

Time management is key. I thought I had good time management until I started Shipt shopping. You have got to really check all the details of an order to make sure you have given yourself enough time to shop and deliver the order during the designated delivery window.

I remember when I was a new shopper, I got bad ratings at first but you get better each time you shop because you learn something new. All shoppers should take the time to learn. You’ll get better as you keep going.

What excites you about Shipt’s future?

Oh wow, so much. Shipt has done a lot and I am here for the long haul. I believe this is the new way people will shop. This is the future and we’re here to deliver retail orders same-day.

We appreciate Jason and the contribution he makes to his community through Shipt shopping. We know customers are thankful for Jason too. We reached out to a couple of Jason’s customers and here’s what they had to say about Jason and Shipt:

Shipt has been great, we save so much time. Jason is amazing and has a great personality. Once he knows your pattern of purchases, he will suggest other items you might want to add.” - Maggie

My wife had back surgery and I have six herniated discs so going to the grocery store is an issue for us. Jason goes above and beyond with regards to service and is kind enough to bring in heavier items like water bottles. He picks out the best fruits and vegetables.” - Donald

Thanks for all you do, Jason!

Going Above and Beyond: Meet Shipt’s First Shopper to Deliver 20,000 Orders (2025)
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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.